Help care for our community's elderly residents with a gift to the Our Community, Our People, Our Privilege Year-End Giving Campaign!
"Bear one another's burdens..." Galatians 6:2

raised towards $48,000 goal
Days Left
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
"Bear one another's burdens..." Galatians 6:2
Your gift today will make such a difference in the life of an elderly man or woman...
An ongoing, unprecedented pandemic, long weeks turning into even longer months of isolation, Derecho storm damage, bringing the residents and staff of Rowley Masonic Home into the Perry Lutheran Homes’s been quite a year!
It is our honor and privilege to care for some of the most vulnerable in our community - our frail elderly.
The men and women who live at Perry Lutheran Homes' Eden Acres Campus (previously Rowley Masonic Community), King's Gardens Campus (previously Willis Campus) and Spring Valley Retirement Community have been confined to their rooms and homes in various stages for going on 10 months now. Many are suffering from the weight of this seemingly never-ending isolation and loneliness. Our dedicated staff have done an amazing job of caring for them, but they are missing interaction with their family and friends outside of their home.
These men and women have spent their lives contributing their time, gifts and talents to making our community what it is today. Now they need our help. Will you help us help connect them to the world outside of their room by making a gift to the Our People, Our Community Our Privilege Year-End Giving Campaign?
Donations to this campaign will be used to purchase tablets for each resident to keep in their room with them, dedicated for their exclusive use. Through it, they may safely and regularly connect with their children and grandchildren, extended family and friends, physician or needed medical specialist, pastor and home congregation, and neighbors across town or just down the hall.
Can you help? Please make a generous gift to Perry Lutheran Homes’ Our Community, Our People, Our Privilege Year-End Campaign today!